Dear Friends and Benefactors,
It is with pleasure that I write to thank you for the enthusiasm you’ve shared with Lady of Guadalupe Home. Because of your kindness and generosity we can share our beautiful home with mothers with babies who need support as they begin the beautiful vocation of motherhood. This wonderful home was given in answer to prayer; prayer that was answered by generous people such as you! Its doors open to moms and babies of any faith and nationality. The house is quite large, with two spacious common rooms, seven bedrooms, four full bathrooms plus several meeting rooms and windows that let in lots of light.
All of it came through Divine Providence, who inspired many to join in this mission to support new mothers and babies by contributing the means to do it. We want to thank so many who made it all possible – pray that we don’t forget anyone – forgive us if we do (and give us a call, so we can correct it if we do!)
We thank God for our three major benefactors: one built the house, and furnished and landscaped it. Two others gave donations large enough to cover operational costs since 2014.
We also thank the many groups and organizations who run fundraisers on our behalf.
Catholic Women’s League
The Knights of Columbus
Angels in the Night
Sorority Groups
High School and College Groups
The Fogolar Furlan Women’s Association hosted their Annual International Women’s Day Banquets, donating the proceeds to Our Lady of Guadalupe Home in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.
A very important part of our fundraising is the participation of many Parishes in the Baby Bottle Campaign. Hundreds of parishioners have become part of our mission by filling baby bottles with change, bills and cheques when their Parish runs a campaign for the Home.
Another vital part of our funding is provided by individuals who send us cheques through the mail or drop off donations at the Home.
Online donations via CanadaHelps at:
Online donations directly through our website:
Finally, Our Lady of Guadalupe Home has its own Fundraising Committee who have been putting on the Annual Benefit Dinner every year from 2013 to the present (see the Events page for the announcement of the upcoming Dinner!)
It is clear that there are very many people in the Windsor Essex County area (and some beyond) who are a vital part of the mission to support new mothers and their babies in crisis at such a vulnerable time of their lives. We have Charity Status with Revenue Canada (Charity Registration # 84261 0552 RR0001), and send out Charity Tax Receipts to our donors.
Special thanks to St. Joseph’s Partners, our volunteer group from Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Knights of Columbus for their continued generous support of our home. These wonderful men are always available to tend to the grounds (lawn / snow) and/or do household repairs. They have completed some special projects: wiring the security system and lighting; repairing the windows, rebuilding our deck and staircase with a wonderful weatherproof and sliver-proof material, and most recently the excavation for flood prevention project! Thank you, true Knights, providing for our mothers and babies: true Partners of St. Joseph!
Please call us at 519-962-4861 if you wish to provide items for babies. At times we need specific baby items, especially baby furniture (car seats, strollers, and other items as well). We have plenty of diapers, but sometimes get low on certain diaper sizes. Before donating, please call to ask what items we need currently.
If you know anyone who needs baby clothes or other items,
have them call us to find out what we have available to give.
If you know anyone who needs baby clothes or other items,
have them call us to find out what we have available to give.

We also accept donations of gift cards so we are able to purchase items we may not have for our new mothers and/or house.
The biggest need of all, and one that will be constant, is the financial means to run the program, as we are completely dependent on God to provide what is needed to do this work. We receive no government funding at all. We pray that the Lord will continue to inspire our brothers and sisters in the Lord to donate what we need to respond to this great need. Please click on this link Ways to Give for more information.
Sr. Linda and the Board of Directors
Sr. Linda and the Board of Directors